Tuesday, September 15, 2015

PA Elk Cam

The PA Game Commission is planning to keep their elk cam up and running until mid-October. If you haven't checked it out yet, you might consider just staying away completely...it's addicting!

Sure, there aren't elk present all of the time, but they're there just often enough to keep you coming back looking for them. I think this Elk Cam was a great idea on the part of the PGC. It allows people to view one of this state's greatest resources-- it's elk.  And for those of us, like me, who don't live in the mountains but wish they did, it brings us closer to that part of the state we love. Even if there aren't elk in the food plot when I check it out, I'm always impressed by the beauty of this state.

The audio on this camera is pretty amazing, too. You can hear crickets and other insects very clearly. And of course you can hear elk bugling in the surrounding woods and valleys even if they aren't on camera. It's magical in so many ways. Check it out and see if you don't agree.

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