Wednesday, October 7, 2015

First Week of Archery 2015

The excitement of the outdoors, for me, has always been about the preparation and anticipation of a new season. Tinkering around with trail cameras, shooting my bow, and hanging tree stands has always been the best part of it all. 

Yes, the actual hunting part is nice, but it's often anticlimactic -- it's like getting all dressed up for a big night on the town only to find your date is running two hours late. That's really what archery season is all about. Patience. You sit and wait for that one time during the entire season that the buck of your dreams will finally show up. If you miss that opportunity at one particular buck, you may as well forget it and move on. Mature whitetails don't make many mistakes and it's your bad luck if you didn't capitalize the first time.

Like the beginning of any relationship, the start of hunting season is about confidence as much as it's about self doubt. It's easy to lose faith in a spot after you've hunted there a handful of times with no success. It's easy to start doubting yourself and the location. You have to remember, though, that you chose a stand location for a reason, and you have to give it a fair shake before abandoning that reasoning.

Of course, if it doesn't feel right, then it doesn't feel right. I've moved stands after one sit. Sometimes you can only tell how good a spot will be after you've hunted there. It's more of a feeling than a rational thought. Once again, it's like a relationship. The first date or two can tell you all you really need to know.

Archery season here in PA is less than a week old and I'm still trying to settle into something good. I'm happy with one stand, but not happy with another. I always like to have at least two good stand options -- unlike in a relationship where multiple setups can get you in trouble, in hunting it's considered a good thing.

The season is still young, though, unlike me.  Today is my 36th birthday. I've reached and surpassed the high water mark of my 30s and now head down the slippery slope toward 40. A year ago today I killed an 8-point buck by an apple tree -- the same spot where one of my stands is now.  It's not often you get a chance to kill a buck on your birthday, so even though it wasn't a big deer, I took it just the same. Who am I to turn down gifts from the hunting gods?

When people asked me why I killed a small buck instead of holding out for a big one, especially so early in the season, I told them about it being my birthday and all that. Everyone I talked to thought that was pretty cool. Well, recently I've crossed paths with many of those same people and now they remember that my birthday is during the first week of archery season because of that buck.  I guess that's one way to get hunters to remember you -- take note all you wives and girlfriends out there who have hunting season birthdays.

I'm a lucky guy. I've got a supportive family and a close circle of devoted friends who understand my passions.  I'm doing what I love and having fun doing it. 

Yes, I'm a very lucky man. Hopefully some of that luck will spill over into this archery season. I'm not expecting quick success -- anything worthwhile doesn't come easy.  Eventually I'll settle into a good location and I'll get the opportunity I've been waiting for. I just have to be patient and remember it's a long season. My chance will come.

Happy birthday to me and everyone out there with October birthdays. Now let's go hunting!

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