Tuesday, August 21, 2012

a new season

I've heard it said that the excitement is in the anticipation of an event, not necessarily in the event itself. 

While it's true that dreaming can be fun, few things can match the arrival of opening day of early archery season.  That first morning in a treestand or ground blind, waiting patiently as the quiet night slowly gives way to morning -- a few bird chirps, chipmunks, the heavy pouncing of squirrels chasing each other through the leaves.  And just like that, a new season has begun.

Here we are, middle of August, five weeks short of opening day here in Pennsylvania.  After a long, hot, dry summer, I never would've guessed hunting season was so close if not for last night.  Before going to bed, I opened my bedroom window and welcomed the cool night air and the sounds of all those insects out there in the dark.  It was a different kind of cool than previous nights.  This one hinted of fall, of camouflage and bows, and of deer camp and whitetails.

I'm ready.  Are you?

To get the hunting juices flowing a little bit, check out my For the Record column in the September/October 2012 issue of Ohio Valley Outdoors.  The story is about how Joe Podnar of Cheswick, PA, killed a 144-inch bruiser buck near his family's farm in Crawford County.  If that doesn't get you excited about the upcoming season, I don't know what will.

- Ralph Scherder

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