Thursday, August 30, 2012

Interview with Bill Winke

Just got off the phone with Bill Winke of  Bill was my guest on the latest installment of Rut Summit, which will be available soon through

When we think of celebrities, a whole host of images and descriptions come to mind, one of which (for me, anyway) is the word "inaccessable."  In the outdoor industry, though, it seems to not be the case.  The past few years I've had the opportunity to talk to some of the biggest names in the industry, guys you see on TV or whose work you read in magazines, and I'm always surprised by how down to earth they are and, in most cases, how easy they are to contact.  Makes you realize they're more than just celebrities, they're hunters.  And that common bond helps you connect with them in surprising ways.

Bill Winke is one of those people.  For the past hour or so I had the opportunity to talk to a guy whose work I grew up reading and emulating.  He's a fine writer and photographer.  His television shows are entertaining and educational.  When talking to him on the phone, he comes across just as genuine and sincere as if you were sitting across from each other at the diner over coffee.

I know subscribers to Rut Summit will enjoy hearing how Bill came to make his living in the outdoor industry.  I know they'll enjoy hearing his insights into hunting whitetails.  I sure did.

- Ralph Scherder

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